Meet Your King Soopers / City Market Bargaining Committee
Chris Lacey - KS 72
I am a Service Manager. I've been with the company for 1 year and 10 months. I want to be part of the committee because I work hand in hand with every associate in every department and we all deserve higher wages, less stress, better scheduling, more associates to alleviate the burden that some take on, and because without us being the driving force behind the company, it wouldn't be experiencing record profits.
Suzy Vidgar - KS 27
I have worked for King Soopers for 19 1/2 years. I am a Starbucks Barista at #27. I am honored to be on the bargaining committee for Local 7. I learned so much sitting in the bargaining room three years ago, becoming more informed as a Steward and as a captain. Seeing all the work the union does, I am ready to stand up and support my brothers and sisters, and I am ready to be involved and help where I am needed.
Sean Thorp - KS 131
I am the seafood manager at King Soopers 131 in Littleton, Colorado. I've worked for King Soopers for 16 years and 9 months. I'm sure by the time this contract is settled it'll be 17 years. You asked for the reason why I wanted to be on this committee. The short answer is I didn't. The reps have asked me year after year to do it, but I never wanted to. I feel like this negotiation is critical for our future earning potential. I've always said that in elections , if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain. I guess I feel that if I don't contribute to the process then I have no right to complain about it.
Conor Hall - KS 33
I am a Deli Clerk, with just under 7 years of service. Our labor has built this company’s success and allowed them to make record profits. Our work keeps are communities fed and our stores running. But, Kroger has continued to funnel everything to executives and share holders; they gouge prices on essential goods, commit widespread wage-theft, cut hours, increase workloads to the breaking point, and treat us like thieves just for expecting a paycheck. That isn’t even enough for them; they are building their proposed merger with Albertsons on our backs, so they can consolidate even more for themselves, cutting us out entirely. As union members we have the privilege of being able to bargain for the conditions of our work, and a collective voice that is powerful enough to force the company to the table. I am proud to have been on the picket lines during our 2021 strike; we took on Goliath and won a major victory. That was not the end of our struggle though; Kroger has been waging a war on us ever since, and we’ve all felt it. This is going to be a hard battle, but when this fight is over I want to know I did everything I could to secure the best deal for myself, my union siblings, and my community. We are essentially workers in an essential industry, our labor is valuable, and it’s time we received a share of the profits that reflects that.
Joy Alexander - KS 29
16 years seniority in the Grocery Bargaining Unit. I work with others to have a positive outcome. I enjoy advocating for my coworkers for fairness and equality in the workplace. I believe I have the drive and passion for a positive outcome.I also like to grow my negotiation skills.
Brennan Hicks - KS 20
My King Soopers career has been a 15 year long experience like none other. I have been a deli clerk, deli assistant, deli manager, CAO, and currently hold the position of Seafood manager. I hope to extend my career far into the future. My decision to strive for the bargaining committee is to bring my experience to the table, to learn something more about our community and the strength of our union. I believe in the highest standards for our food, our service and our knowledge. I wish to bring an element of certitude, logic and insight to our bargaining efforts.
AnnMarie Gonzales - KS 29
I’ve worked for 12 years at King Soopers #29 - Murrays Cheese. I want to be on the bargaining committee to make a difference for all of us! I feel we should stand and fight as one. I always feel like I'm not doing everything I can for myself and my fellow associates, I want to fight for our rights and better wages/ insurance etc. I want to stand up with my union and fight for all that is possible.
William Cox - KS 8
I've worked for kings for 11 years as of October 21st most recently as a Floral manager. After witnessing the last few contract negotiations I felt this was the year I needed to sit on the committee to ensure we get the best contract possible for the associates. For years I've seen good workers move on from the job because putting up with all the issues of short staffing, low wages, and high barriers to access benefits has turned them away to other opportunities. I want this job to go back to being a career that people fight for, rather than a job that feel like a fight as soon as you clock in.
Billy Martinez - KS 59
APC Checkers 33 years. I wanted to be part of the negotiation committee because I feel with my years of experience gives me a lot of knowledge of the contract and what our brothers and sisters may want and need. I'm more than willing to fight for what we deserve. I believe in what we are doing as a union and I want to be in the front leading the way.
Victoria Sapp - KS 31
I have 19 years of service - Bakery Manager. I decided to be on the bargaining committee because I want to help be a voice for our members. After many years of service, I know what the company has been and could be again if we all stick together and fight for what we need!!!! I also want to be there so I can inform my coworkers of correct information during bargaining and help them navigate questions they may have!
John Tursso - KS 16
I've worked at #16 C-Store/Fuel for 3 years. I worked in the professional world for 20+ years which has prepared me for anything. I have no problems speaking to groups or having difficult conversations without emotion. Livable wages are a huge issue we need to rectify. Other hot button issues in my mind are holiday pay, vacation time accrual, and the opening of non-union stores. In the end, I will follow your lead if that's what is required.
Theresa Kaiser - KS 86
I have worked at King Soopers 86 for just over 2 years. I work as a Front End Cashier. I see this as an opportunity to learn more about the Union as well as the Company. I have to admit I haven't been on a committee like this before. I believe this committee is not about what's best for one person but, about what's best for all of us.
Ryan Volleberg - KS 121
I have 26 years in the grocery department. I wanted to be on the bargaining committee because I feel like we could do better than the last time around. I haven't been very active as a member during the past 26 years, and I am seeing changes that I don't like. Changes need to be made, and it takes a strong voice to make it happen.
Darcy Lopez - KS 33
I have been with KS for 8 years - Murray's Cheese. Together We Are Better. We have a mountain of issues to tackle this year. We have to try to find solutions. The company is trying to divide us. We have to stay together. I look forward to meeting with my Union brothers and sisters to try to find ways to help our members.
David Burciago - KS 98
I have 44 years of service. Receiving/grocery . I have been a long time supporter of Local 7 and have gone through numerous contracts in addition to 2 strikes. I'm often asked by members what happens during negotiations. I want to give them informative, factual information not rumors and disinformation.
Valerie Morgan - KS 78
I have over 7 years of service as an Optimum Wellness Specialist at King Soopers, 6 years as a Steward, and 3 years on the Executive Board. I want nothing more than to get a contract that provides safe environments to work in, enough hours and staff to get the job done, and pay that provides the income to be able to live where you work.
Marvin Arellano - KS 50
I have 38 years with King Soopers.
I am currently a grocery clerk. I joined the bargaining committee to have a voice for better working conditions, better wages, and to keep our health and pension healthy. I want to be a voice for all my Brothers and Sister's with UFCW LOCAL 7. -
Kerri Jaramillo - KS 121
I am an individual with knowledge and experience in a negotiating environment. I have many strong personality traits that are a necessity in regards to the negotiating process. Just to name a few, I am always positive and always try to lift others up around me. I am a good listener and am always thinking outside of the box on how to make things run more efficient. Being in this position allows me to help draw out peoples interest and help advocate for others as they may not be able to on their own. It is my passion to actively participate and be part of a larger group with the same end goal.
Ron Lara - KS 98
I proudly serve as the 16th Vice President on the UFCW Local 7 Executive Board. I have been a dedicated employee at King Soopers Store #98 since July 2004. My passion for advocating for members' rights drives me to seek a position on the bargaining committee. I am committed to fighting for workplace safety, fair wages, job security, and seniority. These are essential aspects that ensure a positive and supportive work environment for all.
Glen Meridith - KS 84
I have 5 months of service. I am new to Colorado (proud transplant from MEMPHIS 10). I am the Meat Manager for store #84. The reason why I wanted to join the committee was because I was a part of a welder union in Tennessee and I know the importance of having a union and I'm very intrigued on learning more and becoming a valuable piece to the team for our union!
Reyna Carpenter - KS 12
I work at King Soopers store 12 in Pueblo, Colorado just shy of 10 years. I am the Seafood Manager, a Union Steward, a member of the Safety Team and the Promise Team. I stay actively involved and I'm invested with the associates at Store 12. I come from a union family. My husband's an iron worker, my sister's a teacher, my mother's a nurse, and my aunt runs the Union Hall for the Steel Mill. I have great support when it comes to Union issues. I see the everyday struggles my fellow union members go through putting food on the table, paying their bills, and basic health insurance. It's important to me to be a part of the bargaining committee. I have the motivation to help improve our working conditions in the willingness to get things done. Thank you to everyone for their support.
Mavis Austin - KS 57
I am a proud member of UFCW Local 7. I have been a Shop Steward for 6 of the 7 years that I have been working at King Soopers.
I love my job as well as the people I work with and the community that we serve.
I believe that we, as essential workers, deserve a good contract. A contract that reflects the Company’s investment in us, the workers, who provide our community with quality service.