Show Some Love For Striking Workers – Drop Off Warm Coats, Winter Hats And Gloves
February 13, 2025
CONTACT: Monique Palacios | 303-425-0897 ext. 403
Denver, CO – As thousands of striking workers go into day eight of the announced 14-day ULP strike, it remains at or below freezing many hours of the day. Given the low wages and reduced hours many King Soopers grocery store workers faced on a regular basis before the strike, many cannot afford warm coats, hats and gloves. All these basic necessities for winter will be well-received when donated. UFCW Local 7 has a strike hardship fund to support workers facing extraordinary hardships, but in this case, we are asking for members of the community to “Show Some Love” for workers today, tomorrow, and over the weekend and drop by with warm clothes.
WHAT: Valentine’s day is coming soon, and workers will continue to be out on the strike line. UFCW Local 7 is asking for members of the community to drop by a strike line at a King Soopers store in your neighborhood and support local grocery store workers with warm clothes.
WHEN: All day Thursday, Friday, and over the weekend.
WHERE: All King Soopers stores in the region with picket lines.
WHY: 10,000+ workers are on a ULP strike across Colorado protesting the Unfair Labor Practices of King Soopers. These workers have been in contract negotiations since October and their contracts have now expired. Instead of ceasing unfair labor practices, King Soopers has doubled-down, and filed lawsuits against workers and the union.
Show Striking Workers Some Love Image
Local 7, the largest private-sector Union in Colorado, is affiliated with United Food and Commercial Workers International Union which represents over 1.3 million workers in the United States and Canada, and is one of the largest private-sector Unions in North America. UFCW members work in a wide range of industries, including retail food, food processing, agriculture, retail sales, and health care.